The mural design inspired by Édouard Manet's classic painting ‘Breakfast on the Grass’ and translated into the language of a modern, linear composition limited to two colours: white and red on an anthracite background.
‘– Our idea was to integrate the mural into the whole area around the buildings, using the overarching concept of the so-called "red ribbon". This allowed us to create a cohesive, modern and welcoming space that encourages activity (cycling), outdoor time (picnics) and integration of residents. A ribbon runs through the estate, connecting the various squares and recreational areas. (...) Visible from afar, the mural is an integral, highly individual element of this whole and creates the recognisable character of the estate. It symbolically represents its space and emphasises the recreational and social context of the place.’ – explain Weronika Smaga and Magdalena Kornaga (architects from the Common Space Design Department of Atal S.A., the developer).
The project was commissioned by Atal S.A. and executed by BB Media painters.

Photos thanks to Atal S.A.